Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, Trinity welcomes you!
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At Trinity we truly live by our motto: Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, Trinity welcomes you. We are a church family made up of varied backgrounds and faith stories, and we want to invite you to add your voice to our collective story. We do not expect our members to have the same beliefs now, or ever. What we do hope is that you will find in Trinity a true community of faith. Where every person is both a teacher and a student and all are valued equally as their authentic selves. Below we outline the foundations of our beliefs, but we are truly at our best when we listen and grow together.
As Episcopalians, we believe that God is love. We have experienced that love in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who teaches us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. In response, we share God’s love without reservation.
We believe that God redeems and restores human lives through Jesus Christ who tells us to make disciples of any who seek God's grace and steadfast love. Led by the Holy Spirit, we discern opportunities to speak humbly and happily with others about our faith.
We believe that God calls us into covenant with God and each other. We gather for worship, fellowship, and friendship, to care and to encourage, to learn, to grow in love, and faith. We build a faith community not only to do these things but also to offer caring service to the community and to share God’s love with others.
We believe in striving for justice and peace among all people, and respecting the dignity of every human being. At Trinity we welcome and affirm people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and presentations. We believe all people are equal recipients of God’s grace and that all people may fully partake of the sacraments and spiritual benefits of faith given to us by God as signs of that grace.
As a priest, I have seen how individuals joined in a faith community are woven together by the Holy Spirit, to be the living presence of Christ in the world. Every greeting, every meeting, each ministry of outreach, and every ordinary administrative task is part of God’s Holy workings among us. The joy in our community is about being awake to God’s love in everything! I love being in the context of a faith community. Those gathered together on a journey of experiencing more and more how much God loves them, a community growing in grace and learning what it means to truly love God and neighbor and discovering the freedom in following Jesus through the death and resurrection into the new life in Christ.
I love working at Trinity because I love serving. I love helping people understand the Episcopal church, and helping them to find their place in it. Sometimes people need help finding what their spiritual gifts are. I enjoy helping them figure out where their strengths and interests lie, and plugging them in with a ministry that will make use of their gifts.
Perpetual Deacons are supposed to "stand on the bridge" between church and the world, helping each side to notice the other. With my work in education, I've often sought to channel God's love to students and parents, especially during times of hurt and loss...and, when someone asks me about my church home, or my secret to leading my life the way I do, I'm quick to point in the direction of my own faith journey and community, as the anchor of my existence.
Whether we are lay people or ordained, Christ calls us to represent Him with our words, smiles, actions and prayers. We live in an often harsh and cynical world, so the ray of sunshine that we might represent, becomes even more important as an alternative voice and symbol for others to cling to and follow.
God and Family. I am blessed to experience both at Trinity. Printing is what I’ve done for over half my life and I enjoy being a part of informing parishioners of all the wonderful “happenings” going on at Trinity. I have had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful parishioners and develop so many friendships. God’s grace is so very abundant here and I experience that with the Staff I work with-they are family to me. God and family....I have it all!
Director of Youth & Young Adults
“Weren’t our hearts burning with fire as he walked with us on the road?” This line from the Road to Emmaus story in Luke is at the heart of why I do what I do. It is in the small interactions, the Sunday school classes, the chats over coffee, and sharing experiences such as a beautiful landscape or beautiful worship service that makes my blood burn with the Holy Spirit. These moments of deep connection, of beloved community are how I grow spiritually. In finding such wonder and love, I want others to experience the same and so I seek to do that in many different ways at Trinity. I love hearing children and young people ask deep theological questions or reply to a friend in such a beautiful way that completely sums of God love for us.
Director of Communications & Community Engagement
From Stage Management to Graphic Design, my weird and wonderful career path has led me to this amazing opportunity. It is an honor to keep the information flowing at Trinity. Let's chat about how we can all serve and learn in our beloved Trinity community.
Archivist & Pastoral Care
My work has always been for me a calling from God, a ministry to assist seekers to find and identify God, and how they are to serve God and neighbor. These days my job is to visit with the home-bound and sick, to pray with and support them spiritually, to bring them Eucharist, to help them increase in trust of God’s always present love, and to bring them peace and joy. I pray!
I grew up in a church family. By 12 years old I was the full time pianist at our church, under the direction of my dad. I have been in church service ever since. In 2010 I began playing at Trinity for Church Down Under, and then Taize, and for some time I assisted with Reception and Security, too. I am a full time service dog trainer for Anthem Service Dogs and love bringing my dogs to meet everyone at the church. I think Church is just in my DNA.
What is the Vestry?
The Vestry is an elected board of parishioners who work with the rector to ensure Trinity runs smoothly. The Vestry’s primary responsibilities include the church buildings and finances. The Vestry may also assist the rector and staff with outreach, planning and programs, as requested by the rector. Each Vestry member participates with the board, as a whole, and as members of committees, where appropriate.